Pass out dum-dum lollipops to the group. For every letter that appears in the flavor, the participant has to share.
Pass out dum-dum lollipops to the group. For every letter that appears in the flavor, the participant has to share.
Explain this is a silent challenge. Demonstrate or brainstorm other ways to communicate without talking. Instruct students to line up.
Before the activity, build a structure with Legos (the more complex the structure, the more difficult the activity). Then put.
Everyone gets a length of string. Each string is the same length as one other person in the room. Students.
Tie several evenly-spaced knots into the rope(s). Have the students grasp the rope between knots with one hand, spacing themselves.
Make a 4’ x 6’ (approx.) rectangle with tape or chalk. Place the 25 numbered plates randomly inside. Divide group.
Write a joke on one card and a punch line on another. Be sure to mix the cards up. The.
Everyone for themselves. Everyone is handed 10 jellybeans. They are to try to get 10 of one color by trading.
Have each person bring something to camp that means something special to them or that they would not have left.
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