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Vision For The Future

A formal business plan helps directors run a camp, serving as a guide through each stage of operation management. The.

Scrapbooking for Students – A Fun and Educational Afterschool Activity

Plan a scrapbook activity for your afterschool program or during events throughout the school year! Scrapbooking is a great craft.

Return To Form

When campers are ready to return, directors and counselors are tasked with keeping them happy and occupied, but it’s also.

How Exciting Challenges Ignite Youth Potential

Have you ever watched a child hit their first ball, swim their first lap or read their first book aloud?.

Essential Tree Management Tips for Camps

Having a comprehensive tree management plan can help mitigate risks by identifying and addressing issues and problem areas and ultimately.

Defining Organizational Success in Community Rec

For leaders and organizations, redefining success to emphasize values, impact, and collaboration can lead to more sustainable and meaningful outcomes. This shift.

Improving Your Camp Programs with Technology

Technology is important in all facets of our lives and it is no difference in your camp operation. Technology can.

Crafting with Kids: Top Crafts for Developing Fine Motor Skills

Crafting with kids is more than just a fun activity – it’s an excellent way to support their development. Engaging.

Camp Planning, Hiring, and Marketing Timeline

While it may feel like summer camp just wrapped up, camp directors know that it’s never too early to start.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on