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Trees for All: The Benefits of Trees

In an increasingly urbanized world, the role of nature within our communities has never been more important. The need to.

The Importance of Teambuilding, Ice Breakers and SEL Activities

Camp can be intimidating for your campers, especially younger age groups and first timers. Ice breakers, teambuilding, and social and emotional.

Anticipating The Cold

It’s important to prepare facilities for winter weather. When park leaders hear other organizations complaining about frozen pipes and expensive.

Staff Engagement: It’s as Simple as a Holiday Card

Being intentional with camp staff doesn’t take a lot of effort. However, the effort we do make reflects how they.

Empowering Summer Camp Directors: Essential Resources for Success

Behind every unforgettable summer camp experience is a dedicated and passionate camp director. These leaders play a crucial role in.

Improve Your Camp Program with Better Communication

​Lack of communication is the #1 reason a camp parent will complain. With so many moving parts at camp it.

STEM at Camp

S.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These activities are designed to teach kids the fundamentals in an effort.

The importance of teambuilding, ice breakers, and SEL activities

Camp can be intimidating for campers, especially those in younger age groups and first-timers. Icebreakers, teambuilding, and social emotional learning.

5 Ways Camps Can Tighten Up Their Operations During the Off Season

The off-season is a critical time for camps to regroup, evaluate, and plan for the next year. While campers may.

The Summer Camp Source as seen on