Tape Ball
Create a few giant tape balls. Wrap something that the campers might enjoy when they final get to it like.
Create a few giant tape balls. Wrap something that the campers might enjoy when they final get to it like.
Here’s a wild mixer, and if it’s set to music, it looks like a new kind of dance. (great up.
Stand or sit in a circle. Go around the room assigning the name of a person, place or thing to.
Explain that in your bucket/bag, you have various objects. Each object means something different as in the students need to.
To play, have several players go to the center of the room, and number them one through five. The rest.
This game is very simple and can be played with two or more teams. Sometimes this is fun to do.
Arrange your group into a circle. Give everyone a numbered card from 1- however many people you have, make sure.
Split campers in two groups. One decides on a famous quote, book, song, play, movie title, etc. like “All’s Well.
Each person is to find an object in outside or around camp that makes noise when it is banged or.
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