Crooked Circle
Have students form a circle. Count off by 1s and 2s. Explain that the game is a challenge and discuss.
Have students form a circle. Count off by 1s and 2s. Explain that the game is a challenge and discuss.
Have participants stand in a circle. One volunteer stands in the middle of the circle and starts the game as.
Have the participants walk around and mingle. Randomly call out a number. The participants must try and get into groups.
Every participant should start seated in a chair in a circle. The leader chooses one student to stand in the.
The Celebrity ID Game is a good way to get a large group to mingle and break the ice by.
Have students form a circle, holding hands. Students let go of hands and make a quarter turn to the right.
Divide the group into two teams and have the teams facing each other. Give everyone about 30 seconds to carefully.
There are 4 people acting as the bridge goblins. Two people are standing on the same side, about 4 feet.
Partner up the class. Ro-Sham-Bo to see who is “blindfolded”. One partner is blindfolded; the other partner is the communicator..
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