In and Around
Students stand in a circle holding hands. Once person stands in the middle. The person in the middle calls another.
Students stand in a circle holding hands. Once person stands in the middle. The person in the middle calls another.
Give each camper a paper with a letter on it. Challenge them to find other campers to make a word.
Stand together in a close line with hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you. On the.
Start with everyone hopping around the room. When the announcer says “Break” and then a number, the campers have to.
One person starts as “it” and calls freeze for everyone to stop and act like statues. The person who is.
Campers work together to line up in a long line by height.
Everyone takes turns rolling or throwing a ball to each other and then asking a Get to Know You question.
Campers sit in seats in a circle with one in the middle that is not in a seat. Pick 4.
Secretly make someone “It” by drawing cards or something alike. Then have everyone start roaming the room without knowing who.
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