Partner Balloon Dash
Two partners have to stand back to back and place a balloon between their shoulders and then put their hands.
Two partners have to stand back to back and place a balloon between their shoulders and then put their hands.
For this game, put children into groups of 2 to 4, with a single balloon per group. The object is.
This game can be individual or team. See how long each can keep the balloon in the air without holding.
Form two teams of elves. Each team must defend its treasure (balloons) while attempting to steal or destroy the other.
Stand in the center and have the kids stand around you. Pick one balloon, toss it into the air and.
Divide group into equally numbered teams. You can play this with two teams or two hundred teams, it makes no.
The balloons are blown up and scattered on the floor. Players stand in scatter formation. On “GO”, the object is.
All players should be standing around the blanket holding an edge. The leader of the game (not holding blanket) will.
Play this game much like you played balloon tennis but don’t use the rackets. Kids will hit a balloon back.
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