Fitness Follow the Leader
Follow the Leader to do jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, lunges, sit-ups, scissor jumps, toe touches, crab walks, arm punches, etc.
Follow the Leader to do jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, lunges, sit-ups, scissor jumps, toe touches, crab walks, arm punches, etc.
Print one card for each child and one for the leader. The leader calls out a fitness move. The players.
Set up a bean bag toss tic tac toe court. Come up with a set of rules/challenges where players must.
Use regular Jenga or giant Jenga for even more fun. Write different exercises on the blocks and line the students.
Divide students into small groups and assign each group to fitness station (where they will begin). Demonstrate each activity station,.
Each letter is an exercise and the number is the amount of reps. You can cut reps down for higher.
Choose one leader and have them go to the middle of the circle. It is up to the leader to.
Make Exercise More Fun with a Deck of Cards Workout, let the suit determine the exercise and the number determine.
Divide everyone up so they each have a designated home corner. This can be done with music stopping and playing.
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