Divide class into 2 teams. Choose 1 person from each team to meet together and create a message. At the.
Divide class into 2 teams. Choose 1 person from each team to meet together and create a message. At the.
The group chooses a person to be the “guesser” and they leave the group. The group has to pick a.
Divide students into four groups. Demonstrate what it looks like to stand shoulder-to-shoulder. Remind students that they must stay in.
Participants are asked to study the composition of the group quietly and to decide on a superlative adjective that describes.
Arrange everyone in a circle, standing or sitting. Begin by stating your name and one unique fact about yourself (Ex:.
Participants select pre-cut lengths of string from the group facilitator. Each member holds the string between his/her thumb and forefinger..
The kids can start out in a standing or sitting position. You ask them questions, such as “do you have.
This is a quick game that can be used in many different ways. Get as many white, 5 gallon buckets.
Have students line up across the play area with a partner. Demonstrate how to stand and balance on tennis balls.
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