Run & Rally
Divide the group equally into two or three teams. Have each team line up in a single file line behind.
Divide the group equally into two or three teams. Have each team line up in a single file line behind.
Set out a semi-circle (U shaped) path using cones or other markers. You can also use half of a basketball.
Divide students into groups of 5-8 and line them up on the far end of the area. The first two.
Divide groups into teams of six. Have them build a pyramid (three people on bottom, two in the middle, one.
Divide the group into teams of 8- 10 people. If possible, have an even number of players on each team..
In most hardware stores you can buy the pink plunger part separate from the stick. So get two plunger ends.
Divide the students into groups of 4-5. Give each group a hula hoop. Model how to safely run with someone.
You will need 2 ping pong balls, 2 ping pong paddles, and four target areas. Divide two teams (evenly) on.
Create teams, and use as many different colored half cones or poly dots as there are teams. Set the cones/dots.
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