Where’s My Heard
Everyone is randomly assigned an animal (at least 2 campers should be assigned the same animal). Everyone spread out and.
Everyone is randomly assigned an animal (at least 2 campers should be assigned the same animal). Everyone spread out and.
The announcer names different types of weather that everyone acts out.
Describe and draw curved, straight, zig zag, etc. lines on a white board or piece of paper and then have.
Each person is secretly assigned an occupation (each one is assigned twice). They then spread out and start acting out.
Students stand in two lines face to face. Campers then put out their index fingers to the tip of the.
Play freeze dance with a lot of energy and as the music gets louder the movements get faster, as the.
Get a roll of toilet paper and pass it around and tell everyone to take one to ten squares. When.
One camper starts by saying “I went to the supermarket and bought____” Then the next campers says it and repeats.
Students stand in a line with their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. The person.
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