Red Light, Green Light Football
Use cones to set up two end-zones on opposing sides. Use cone(s) for student to form a line. First group.
Use cones to set up two end-zones on opposing sides. Use cone(s) for student to form a line. First group.
On a traditional kickball field, place a kickball, football, and frisbee at home base. Mark the outfield with enough numbers.
Get the students into 1-3 lines, depending on the size of the group. Explain the three main positions of the.
Teams should be of equal number; each team has a goalie, as well as offensive and defensive players. Goal markers.
This game needs a couple of kids and a ball (either a football or a baseball are common). One person.
Designate a playing area large enough to run in (a large rectangle). Place cones on each baseline (width) if there.
Designate a large play area with clear boundaries that has room for students to run. Split group into 2 teams. .
Designate clear boundaries for each group. Give each group one ball and identify one player to have first possession. Divide.
Set up Indoors. Set up one empty container, 2-3 cones to mark where students will stand in line, and three.
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