Foot to Foot Tag
Just like regular frozen tag but players are safe from being tagged if two people lie on their backs and.
Just like regular frozen tag but players are safe from being tagged if two people lie on their backs and.
Like ball tag, but use a sock filled with flour, so when they get hit you know it by the.
One person is chosen as the Sheppard. Whoever the Sheppard touches becomes the new Sheppard. The “goats” can fall to.
Proclaim, “everybody’s it!” in an open space and the participants begin trying to tag others, while avoiding getting tagged. Decide.
Everyone gets a partner and links arms. Two people are chosen to split up. One will be it and the.
Show the kids the “cookies” (cones or balls) and tell them how delicious they are. Review boundaries and safe tagging..
Choose an “It” to be your octopus. Then choose a doctor. When you say, “Go,” the campers run from one.
Choose 2 students to be the taggers. Give out balls (cookies) to other students. Taggers are trying to tag all.
A tag game that will wear your kids out!! Make really big boundaries. One person is “it.” This person has.
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