Activity Stations and Transitions
Coordinating different activities in stations and rotating groups from one station to the next is a common practice at camp.
FavoriteCoordinating different activities in stations and rotating groups from one station to the next is a common practice at camp.
FavoriteAdvisory boards can come in many different forms. You may be required to report to a board as part of.
FavoriteArts and Craft projects are one of the cornerstones of camp activities and a staple for any camp. It is.
FavoriteAdvocacy is defined as any attempt to influence someone or support something to effect change. Advocating for your industry can.
FavoriteDocument, document, document! It is extremely important to keep well organized documentation and records on your camp operations as well.
FavoriteFacilitating safe drop off and pick up of campers by parents is an important aspect of any camp. Here are.
FavoriteWhether you run camps all year round or just over the summer, there are always going to be peaks and.
FavoritePlanning is the cornerstone of any well run camp. If you fail to plan you plan to fail! Proper planning.
FavoriteA well run and organized registration will give a great first impression to your participants. Whether it is done in.
FavoriteProviding your parents detailed schedules to outline all of their child’s camp activities is a cornerstone to any well-run camp..
FavoriteRegardless of how much time you put into acclimating your campers to life at camp, there will always be incidents.
FavoriteHaving a camper rewards program will help with camper behavior issues by recognizing your campers for good behavior and giving.
FavoriteIn order to run a program at a high level, you have to be an effective communicator. You can never.
FavoriteCreating and coordinating fun and engaging activities is why your participants attend camp and keep coming back. It is important.
FavoriteCounselor in Training or CIT is typically a program for high school students to volunteer within your camp program. If.
FavoriteDisciplining your campers is never a fun task, but is necessary when all other options have been exhausted. Discipline can.
FavoriteAt camp it is extremely important to put diversity, equity, and inclusion at the forefront to make sure your campers,.
FavoriteEvery camp should have a process in place for staff to open and close your facilities each day to ensure.
FavoriteWhether you own and operate your camp facilities or have a user group agreement, we all have the responsibility to.
FavoriteField trips are the most exciting part of camp for your campers but can be the most daunting for you.
FavoriteFood service at camp can be essential or non-essential depending on what type of program you operate. If you do.
FavoriteFundraising is a large part of any youth program, especially in the non-profit sector. It is important that you get.
FavoritePromoting health and wellness is a big part of camp and a main reason camp programs are so popular. Not.
FavoriteCamp can be intimidating for your campers, especially younger age groups and first timers. Ice Breakers, Teambuilding and SEL Activities.
FavoriteInteracting and engaging with a large group of kids in a camp environment can be a challenging task. Kids are.
FavoriteSwim activities, whether on site at camp or on a trip, can be the most challenging part of camp. Not.
FavoriteIf your camp has times for camper free time it is important that area is still managed and supervised properly.
FavoriteCounselors managing their groups of campers successfully is the key to a well-organized operation. Here are some tips on how.
FavoriteFor many camp professionals, managing your parents is the least exciting part of your job, but is necessary. Parents are.
FavoriteFor your camp, or any youth program, word of mouth is your strongest tool for marketing your program. In order.
FavoriteAll Camp programs should have very similar goals to bring the best out of your participants. These should be outlined.
FavoriteIf you run a well-organized program and you are a great communicator, parent complaints will be at a minimum, but.
FavoriteStaff are your most valuable asset so it is important to get the right people in the door, and when.
FavoriteRisk Management is never fun but is essential in preventing a catastrophic incident that could cause serious harm and shut.
FavoriteStaff are your most valuable asset and we should invest in our staff by providing training, education, teambuilding and networking.
FavoriteWith so many moving parts at camp, it is a task in itself just to stay organized. You have to.
FavoriteS.T.E.M. stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. These activities are designed to teach kids the fundamentals in an effort.
FavoriteAlways be supervising! Proper supervision of your campers is of the utmost importance to ensure the safety of your participants.
FavoriteYou should make it a priority to survey and evaluate every aspect of your operation before, during, and after every.
FavoriteCampers swimming and doing water activities with their friends can be the highlight of the summer. However, swimming is also.
FavoriteTechnology is important in all facets of our lives and it is no difference in your camp operation. Technology can.
FavoriteMany camp programs rely on volunteers to keep them afloat. Whether it’s high school students in your CIT program or.