Welcome to our SAMPLE course on Supervision! All courses have multiple lessons and all lessons in the course are listed in the description. This course has 1 lesson to allow you to sample the content and see how the courses work. Please view important information below to see how each course is comprised.
- Course Supplemental Material: The course materials are on this page. Please make sure to download it and follow along with each lesson.
- Each course is comprised of individual lessons which is the subject matter of the course. All courses have multiple lessons and each lesson is listed in the course description. The amount of lessons will determine the duration of each course. The approximate duration of each course is also listed in the description.
- Each lesson includes a video presentation. The video must be watched in full to complete the lesson.
- The presentation for each lesson can be downloaded for you to keep and reference.
- Each lesson must be completed before moving on to the quiz and then the next lesson.
- Following each lesson will be a short 5 question quiz to test your knowledge of the subject. You must get 4/5 correct (80%) to move on to the next lesson.
- When you finish the lesson it will be marked as complete and the next lesson will be available.
- You can stop and start the course at your convenience and have as long as you need to complete it.
- Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate as proof of completion. The certificate will be available to download on the course page.
- When the course is completed, the course lessons, presentations, and supplemental materials will be available to you to reference.